Define or name Corporate Philanthropy as you will, corporate responsibility, corporate giving, corporate citizenship, community relations or any other way of describing it, it is all part of your company’s corporate culture.
Corporate Culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company’s employees and management perceive your company.
An integral part of how your company is perceived by your customers, clients, your local community and the general population as a whole, has much to do with corporate culture.
To a great extent, how a company’s management and employees interact with the public is determined by corporate culture… and… Corporate Philanthropy… always helps to promote, project and protect a company’s overall good image in the eyes of the public.
Humanitarian and other good works of a company also directly benefit the recipients of any charitable cause a company may choose to support.
Small businesses up to major corporations donate more than $17 billion per year to nonprofit organizations.
What Are The Components of Corporate Philanthropy?
There are many ways a company can contribute to great causes. A method business owners and corporate managers are most familiar with is providing direct donations or grants in the form of a company check. There are other corporate giving methods as we imagine you are well aware.
The ONE… that will improve corporate culture the most is Employee Volunteerism!
Last year, 62.6 million Americans volunteered for nearly 7.7 billion hours, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service’s Volunteering & Civic Life in America Report.
Most nonprofits rely heavily on volunteers to accomplish their charitable goals. When companies recognize and reward those volunteer efforts, employees become more engaged, more productive and happier in the workplace.
Encouraging your employees to volunteer helps people and… helps improve your corporate culture!
Volunteerism Makes America Great!
“A Corporate Branding Secret many executives overlook is… showing how their company supports America’s Troops & Veterans”
Following is a compilation of what is found when Googling the subject:
Source: https://www.gagenmacdonald.com/2016/5857
Workplace volunteering helps companies achieve many employee engagement goals at a single stroke. Companies who promote volunteerism improve employee retention and loyalty; improve community perception and related marketing opportunities; and boost recruitment of millennial employees. Not only is workplace volunteering effective, it’s rewarding – and fun!
Source: http://www.business2community.com/leadership/6-tips-for-creating-employee-volunteer-programs-0264428#sle9fUyFprMGXvCh.97
Employee volunteer programs provide excellent opportunities for businesses to create a positive corporate image, establish friendly relations among staff members and, most importantly, do something good for the community. This unique form of corporate philanthropy offers a bridge between employees and non-profit organizations, encouraging staff to become advocates of a cause through opportunities ranging from a single day of volunteer service to long-term partnerships with non-profits. If executed properly, these volunteer initiatives can serve as employee engagement programs that enable businesses to create positive change in the community while improving morale within the company.
Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/leadership-lab/why-workplace-volunteering-is-a-win-win/article25989213
Corporate volunteer efforts also have a positive impact on a company’s visibility, reputation, and image in the marketplace. While certainly not the motivation for getting involved, they are very real benefits. Generating good PR and creating positive touch points through corporate social responsibility is an effective way to stay top of mind with clients, while enhancing how your company is perceived.
Source: https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-news/pages/promotingvolunteerism.aspx
Workers who volunteer through their workplace feel more positive toward their employer and report a strengthened bond with co-workers.
Source: http://blogs.volunteermatch.org/volunteeringiscsr/2014/09/10/how-corporate-volunteer-programs-increase-employee-engagement
Clearly, volunteerism is becoming more and more important for today’s workers. If a workplace doesn’t meet the desire its employees have to do good for others, it makes sense why some people might start looking for workplaces that are built around more generous-hearted ideals.
Source: https://www.gthankyou.com/blog/6-examples-workplace-volunteerism-done-right
“Ultimately, the consensus seems to be that what most engages employees is what inspires them, and inspiration comes from a culture of giving back based on a demonstrable dedication to results.”
Source: http://www.iyfnet.org/sites/default/files/FieldNotes07EmployEngagement.pdf
Today, more and more corporate leaders are turning to volunteer employee programs as a key strategy to help realize their business goals while positively engaging their employees in helping to meet the needs of the local community. Promoting employee engagement is thus part of the ongoing evolution taking place in the private sector to move beyond a sole focus on the bottom line to becoming socially responsible corporate citizens. With more than 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies currently supporting some form of employee volunteer program, standards for such activities are now being developed to help track their impact on the community and improve employee volunteer program practices.
Source: https://www.e-volunteerism.com/node/364
One of the fastest growing and most significant new ways of volunteering in the past 20 years has been volunteering through one’s workplace. Major corporations have created extensive programs to encourage and enable their employees to volunteer and this form of business social responsibility is now expanding to small businesses and government agencies.
Source: http://www.benevity.com/workplace-giving
Nearly 70% of employees are not engaged in their jobs, and companies are turning to Goodness for help. Workplace giving and matching boosts employee engagement by empowering your people to support causes around the world that matter to them with easy, open-choice online giving, gift matching and volunteering.
Source: http://www.benevity.com/volunteering
Volunteers are the backbone of many charitable efforts and, when companies recognize and reward those efforts, employees become more engaged, productive and happier in the workplace.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/margaret-jacoby/4-ways-workplace-givingvo_b_8602428.html
In a report from Network for Good, “Employee engagement through cause is a vital means by which to strengthen employee relationships, enhance employee morale and even build critical skill sets and expertise. Plus, employees are hungry for ways to get involved in cause.”
Understandably, corporate pride is directly related to employee engagement. If an employee is ashamed of her company for whatever reason — whether it’s the culture, the lack of values, or management’s philosophy — she’s not going to hang around for long.
A recent study by America’s Charities revealed that 68% of employers report that their employees expect them to support volunteerism and 50% of employers are moving to year-round engagement with their workplace giving programs. Eighty percent of surveyed companies offer employees the ability to contribute to nonprofits via automatic payroll deductions, 70% offer matching gifts as a component of their volunteering and giving program, and 60% percent are incorporating contests and events as a way to add fun to workplace giving programs and keep them vibrant.
A strong corporate philanthropy pedigree means that a company is leveraging all of the resources within reach to engage its employees through a commitment to social impact. Volunteering and giving programs are no longer just about one annual “done in a day” event or a seasonal giving drive. Rather, companies must consider the 360-degree view of their philanthropic potential – from gifts in kind to the most recent developments in employee community engagement.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/causeintegration/2014/05/20/not-just-lip-service-employees-demand-workplace-volunteering/#18e961a429ee
Ultimately, the consensus seems to be that what most engages employees is what inspires them, and inspiration comes from a culture of giving back based on a demonstrable dedication to results. The days of lip service are over; it’s time to get to work.
Source: https://www.frontstream.com/engaging-employees-through-workplace-volunteering
It’s easy to increase employee engagement by giving employees a sense of purpose beyond their job titles through corporate volunteer programs during the work day.
Source: http://www.cybergrants.com/blog/workplace-volunteering-201602.html
Today’s workforce is one of the smartest and most self-aware in decades. How they acquire job satisfaction has quickly evolved. What used to drive employee retention were things like salary, benefits, job security, and while those things are still extremely important, employees today are looking for additional avenues of motivation and engagement. They want experiences, camaraderie, growth and fulfillment. And one verifiable way to give them those things: employee giving.
On the other hand, corporate philanthropy is good for business too, in the form of more engaged employees, a favorable employer brand and more. Corporate volunteer programs, more specifically, are some of the most effective ways to engage employees in corporate philanthropy.
Source: https://www.charities.org/news/business-case-employee-volunteer-skills-giving-programs
It’s well known that employees want to work for companies that care. In fact, Cone Research found that 79% of people prefer to work for a socially responsible company. When strategically integrated with your company’s business goals and values, involving employees in a mix of volunteer work, skills giving, workplace giving programs, and matching gift opportunities gives employees a sense of purpose, and makes them feel more connected to the community and your company-wide social responsibility efforts.
We invite you to find one or several of your employees who will volunteer to host a unique, simple and easy-to-implement WORKPLACE CARD SIGNING STATION.

NROTC needs as many signed postcards as we can get!
We will never run out of people to give them to!
——————————————————————————-Can you think of a group of people more deserving of support other than our troops and veterans?——————————————————————————-
Learn how your company can sponsor a
“Workplace Volunteer Card Signing Station”
Note: If you are not the person at your company who makes this decision please PRINT THIS PAGE and pass it on. Thank You
Questions?, Contact: Tom Ruley, NROTC Founder and Past President, by email at tomruley@nrotc.org or call 410-687-3568 between 9:00am to 5:00pm EST Monday through Friday.
 Remembering All Who Serve and Have Served
Celebrating Over A Decade of Service
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